Soul Calibur 4 Cassandra Costume Tutorial


Photo by Ed Tan

Cassandra was originally going to be finished for Emerald City Comic Con, but we got caught up with Jayce and didn’t want to sacrifice quality on either one. I decided to put off Cassandra until Anime Expo! I did the sewing, and Mario did the props, with some of the pieces coming from Volpin Props. Continue reading

Jayce Costume Breakdown!

If you want to know how we made the Jayce from League of Legends costume, then read up!

Photo by Ed Tan

Photo by Ed Tan

For the coat portion, I used McCall’s M6143 as a base. I used the Uncle Sam coat, and left off the lapels since the coat was under the chest piece. I also lengthened the tails and made them a slightly different shape to fit what we were looking for. Continue reading

Anime Expo Roundup!

At Anime Expo 2013 in Los Angeles, California, Mario and I debuted several costumes- Queen Ashe from League of Legends, and Raphael and Cassandra from the Soul Calibur series.

1069223_10151710227589834_1239349677_nWe had a lot of fun with our friends who were in the Soul Calibur group with us- Tonksceratops cosplay, above, made a beautiful Viola (2p version). Her husband Tony Hsu took all of the photos marked hsutography!



Wearing Jayce and Queen Ashe was a ton of fun! Super hot, though. That’s what we get for wearing them in July in Southern California, I guess!

ETAN2067Photo by Ed Tan

Anime Expo (AX) 2013 untitled-1855We have a TON more photos on our Facebook page in the albums, so make sure to check those out! Write ups on those costumes to come soon!