Blizzard Elf Eyebrow Tutorial

Today’s tutorial is how to make your very own Blizzard Elf eyebrows. It’s one of the things that makes Warcraft elf cosplay stand out from the rest! They are super easy and simple.

What you will need:

-Wig/ Fake hair


-Tacky Glue: Clear

First things first, you will need the hair you will be using. If your using a wig cut a small piece of the hair from the bottom most layer. If your not using a wig, you COULD be brave and use your own hair, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Just go to your local dollar store or accessories store and get a cheap hair extension that matches your hair.

Take the piece you cut and split it evenly into two.

Now that the pieces are separated, cut them to the length you prefer. I like to have mine about 2 inches longer than my own eyebrows. With the excess pieces, cut a small piece that would would measure from the point of your eyebrow to the arch. This will make it thicker.

Now take your glue and put it on the point of your eyebrow and on the center. Don’t put it on the end! This will make the end super clumpy and heavy. You want it to look thin. Take your fingers and smooth the glue out from the point to the center. Your hair will move around in your hands, don’t panic! Just try to keep the basic shape.

You will have little hairs sticking out where they shouldn’t be, so trim them up so they are all neat and clean. Give them about 5 minutes to dry. Now take your scissors and trim the point, I like to have mine on a sharp angle.

If your eyebrows have spaces in them like in this picture, make sure you fix them before the glue completely dries. Just push and pull the hairs til they cover the holes.

And ta-da! You have your very own Blizzard Elf eyebrows! You can attach them to your face with eyelash glue, or spirit gum.


What if you have super dark/bushy brows? Take some of the clear glue and smooth them down. Let them dry and cover them completely with your foundation til they arent visable.

GLHF and happy costuming!

How to: plan your cosplay costume!

(This post was written by our newest member of Arms, Armor, and Awesome: Skylar, of Lyeric cosplay. You can check her out here!)

Hey everyone! Here is a quick note with some tips on how to prepare and plan your future masterpiece!

This will be a two part tutorial, the second part being about preparing patterns and materials.

The preparation stage of costume creation is probably the most important. If you plan well, it will be much easier, and the whole your experience will be less stressful and more successful. Really, it’s all about researching and organizing!

Tip 1: Gathering Reference Pictures!  

Now is the time to surf the internet to find your references. You should find as many reference pictures as possible. A great cosplay is as accurate as possible. The best thing you can do to guarantee accuracy is to find as many angles as possible. Save this pictures to a folder and print them out. This way you don’t have to run back and forth to your computer.   If you are creating a Warcraft costume, I recommend using They have this great View in 3D feature. To collect the picture, just press Print Screen on the top of your keyboard, and paste the image into MS Paint/Photoshop (whichever you choose). You can also use WoW model viewer.

Tip 2: Decide what details are crucial and which you can be flexible on. 

Accuracy is a great thing, but remember, just because it is like that in game/drawn that way doesn’t mean it works like that in the real world.  This is when your artistic liberty comes into effect! Make it work. Another thing too: search through Deviantart and other pages to see how artists draw this costume. This can give you an idea on how to alter the costume to make it more realistic.

Tip 3:  Ask yourself if this is a costume you can realistically build.

I know there are many amazing costume potentials out there, but make sure it’s within your skill level. If you pick something way to difficult, you most likely will become frustrated and unhappy with it and quit (trust me).

Tip 4: Study your pictures and pick out what material will best suit that aspect of the costume.

Fabric choice, material choice and painting are critical! So make sure you take the time and effort to find out these things. It makes a world of a difference. Also- be prepared! Make a list of things you need to buy in order to create this costume. For some materials (example paper mache) you need a sander to make a smooth surface. Think ahead!

Tip 5: Take risks!

This is the best piece of advice I can give you. If you don’t take risks you will never learn. By taking these risks you can find your own techniques on how to construct items that you may not be able to find on the internet. So take chances! What’s the worst that could happen?

So, this is just a small note of advice I can give you. I hope it can help you a little bit! Part 2 is on its way.

Good luck, and happy costuming!
